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State Oral Health Plan

2023 - 2027

Oral Health Ohio is Pleased to Release the 2023-2027 State Oral Health Plan (SOHP)

Oral Health Ohio contracted with the Health Policy Institute of Ohio to facilitate and create the 2023-2027 State Plan, which is designed to guide actions taken by policymakers, advocates, educators, providers, and funders.


The vision of the State Plan is that all Ohioans will have optimal oral health during every stage of life. To achieve the vision, the State Plan presents goals and action steps that partners can advance together. These action steps are paired with considerations for prioritizing equity and data to track progress.


The plan was developed with input from approximately 200 Ohioans from across the state through healthcare provider focus groups, consumer focus groups, and a multi-sector advisory committee.


For questions about this State Oral Health Plan, please email Marla Morse.

Thank you to the CareQuest Institute for Oral Health for their funding support of the State Plan.

SOHP Sections
Intro & Executive Summary

& Executive Summary

Acknowledgements, what shapes our oral health, equity, health impacts, how the plan was developed and implementations


Taking Action

How community conditions, health behaviors and access to quality care all shape oral health, and our goals going forward.

Background, Purpose, Process

Background, Purpose, & Process

Relevant background information, additional details on the process for developing the plan, and descriptions of components.

Key Findings

Key Findings

Key themes emerged from Ohio’s oral health strengths and challenges, including findings from quantitative data and focus groups.


Tracking Progress

The 8 "SMART" objectives that will be used to measure improvement on the priorities outlined in the plan.



Appendix A. State Oral Health Plan advisory committee

Appendix B. State Oral Health Plan Pathway to Impact

Oral Health Ohio

720 E. Pete Rose Way, ste 120

Cincinnati, Ohio 45202


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Proud & active members of the Oral Health Progress & Equity Network and the American Network of Oral Health Coalitions.

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